0820019616 (DO22-3/2NC-SPEZ-024DC) AVENTICS - 3/2-Wegeventil, Serie DO22

Item number:


Elek­trische Schnittstelle ISO 6952, Form B
Hand­hil­fs­betäti­gung ras­tend
Nen­ndurch­fluss Qn l/min
Umge­bung­stem­per­atur max. 50 °C
Umge­bung­stem­per­atur min. -10 °C
An­schluss Entluef­tung M5
Be­trieb­s­druck max. 7 bar
Be­trieb­s­druck min. 0 bar
Be­trieb­ss­pan­nung V DC 24 V
SAP-​Kurztext DO22-​3/2NC-​SPEZ-024DC
Further information on OT-BRR000171
Weight 95 g / pcs
Customs duty number 84812090
Manufacturer Aventics

All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
Immediately available